The Darkroom Gallery is dedicated to photographers and photography. We host juried photography exhibits, classes, seminars and workshops providing opportunities for photographers from around the world to have their work evaluated by a qualified juror for display in our Vermont gallery, on our web site and published in exhibit catalogs with minimum expense or hassle. Read more...
Black & White
CALLING FOR SUBMISSIONSDEADLINE April 15th, 2015 Midnight EST Juror: Chris Kovacs
©Chris Kovacs
Read more: Black & White
Black & White
CALLING FOR SUBMISSIONSDEADLINE April 15th, 2015 Midnight EST Juror: Chris Kovacs
©Chris Kovacs
Read more: Black & White
Black & White
CALLING FOR SUBMISSIONSDEADLINE April 15th, 2015 Midnight EST Juror: Chris Kovacs
Black & white photography is a timeless art; always relevant, always contemporary despite being historically ancient.
Photographer Robert Frank states,
and white are the colors of photography. To me they symbolize the
alternatives of hope and despair to which mankind is forever subjected.
Gallery is calling for works that excel within these monochromatic
constraints. The absence of color adds a sort of purity to images,
shows the bones of a composition without the chaff. It allows for the
photographer top get creative within a variance of grays, whites, blacks
and sepias - abstraction is bred within restraint.
Natural Realm
CALLING FOR SUBMISSIONSDEADLINE May 13th, 2015 Midnight EST Juror: Dan Burkholder
Wild, wild wilderness, it's grandeur and grace epically and intimately explored through photography.
Humans have always looked upon the beauty, majesty, and ingenuity of the world around them with reverent wonder. The regular rhythms of the sun and moon, the myriads of living creatures in all their splendid diversity, the magnificence of a flower, a butterfly’s wings or a snow crystal – The ancient Greeks aptly called the universe kosmos, a word denoting order and harmony. This underlying order is reflected in many intriguing patterns in nature.
Many of nature’s patterns are related to the golden section and the Fibonacci numbers. For instance, the golden spiral is a logarithmic or equiangular spiral – a type of spiral found in unicellular foraminifera, sunflowers, seashells, animal horns and tusks, beaks and claws, whirlpools, hurricanes, and spiral galaxies.
Darkroom Gallery is calling for photography that investigates this intrinsic magic in the natural world. From macro shots to large scale landscapes show us your examples of this otherworldly complexity within our natural realm.
Black & White
CALLING FOR SUBMISSIONSDEADLINE April 15th, 2015 Midnight EST Juror: Chris Kovacs
©Chris Kovacs
Read more: Black & White