- The $15,000 Arnold Newman Prize for New Directions in Photographic Portraiture.
- Adobe presents the Breakthrough Photography Award to celebrate artists creating compelling works through digital imaging. An award of$1,000 prize and Adobe® Creative Suite® 5.5 Master Collection will be given to the winner.
- The Marty Forscher Fellowship Fund cash award to one professional and one student winner.
- The Sony Emerging Photographer Award to one emerging photographer who will receive a Sony camera and a $1,000 cash prize.
- Ten winners will receive a Nielsen Photo Group membership which includes; subscriptions to PDN and Rangefi nder magazines, a PDN PhotoPlus Expo Gold Expo Pass, a PhotoServe portfolio and discounts on WPPI and PDN contests.
- PDN Editor's Choice Award: one winner will receive a full-page self promotion ad in an upcoming issue of PDN.
- Additional awards and prizes will be announced online.
- Have your work seen by top photo industry judges.
- Winning images will be published in PDN's June Photo Annual issue which is sent to over 5,000 creatives. Winning images will also be in an extended online gallery featured and archived on pdnonline.com.
- An exclusive party will be held in May 2012 celebrating the winners. Judges, select industry creatives and photographers are among the invited guests.
Use your Photo Annual win to promote your photography business. Winners will recieve an official winner's seal.
Click here to view last year's winners. |