LENSCRATCH Exhibition Opportunities
Submission Guidelines:
Image size: 72dpi at 1000px on the long side
Send name, title, location (where you captured the image), and link to your work (website or other)
Aline Smithson, The Red Rose, Los Angeles, CA (http://www.alinesmithson.com)
In the subject of your e-mail, type the name of the exhibition (example:LOVE) and e-mail to:
If your images are sized incorrectly or the submission is incomplete, they will not be posted.
Submission Categories and Due Dates:
Due date: February 8th
LOVE Exhibition to run on February 14th
Due date: March 28th
ANIMALS Exhibition to run on April 3rd
Due Date: May 3rd
MOTHER Exhibition to run on Mother's Day, May 13th.
Photographs can be old family photos-all interpretations open