Register for this FREE Zoom Lecture!
Tuesday February 18th, 6:00pm
Aperture Conversations
Trevor Paglen and Noam M. Elcott: The Past, Present, and Future of AI
Tuesday, February 18
6:00 p.m. EST
Join Aperture for a special conversation between artist Trevor Paglen and art historian Noam M. Elcott. The two will discuss the most recent issue of Aperture magazine, “Image Worlds to Come: Photography & AI,” a timely and urgent issue that explores how artificial intelligence is quickly transforming the field of photography and our broader culture of images.
To weigh the risks and possibilities of this transformative change, Aperture has turned to some of the leading thinkers in the field. Trevor Paglen demystifies the “intelligence” of AI and outlines its threats to privacy, democracy, and the planet. Noam M. Elcott and technologist Tim Trombley train their own AI model on the Farm Security Administration’s vast and storied archive, mimicking photographers like Dorothea Lange and Gordon Parks with revelatory precision. Moving beyond hype and hysteria, the essays, interviews, and artist portfolios in this issue provide a crucial resource for understanding the ways in which this fast-evolving technology is reshaping photography’s relationship to creativity, authorship, and truth.
This online public program is free and open to all. Register here. A recording of the event will be available on Aperture’s YouTube channel.