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Image: © Elinor Carucci, Mother puts on my lipstick, 1993 |
Theme: ‘Self-conscious'
Curated by Frances Jakubek
(Frances Jakubek is a photographer, curator, consultant and advocate for photography. She is the Director of Exhibitions at Bruce Silverstein Gallery in New York City and past Associate Curator of the Griffin Museum of Photography in Winchester, Massachusetts.)
DEADLINE TO ENTER: October 29, 2019
Jakubek says, "This exhibition is calling out for image makers who are exploring visual depictions of the self. The photographs should reflect an awareness of existence and consciousness, whether depicting how we perceive our self in a greater conversation, (environmentally, politically, etc), or through self-portraiture. Our personal histories inform our responses to world events, relationships and different circumstances…how do we show this photographically?
Examples of the scope: Elinor Carucci’s photograph, Mother puts on my lipstick from 1993 is an example of direct personal information compared to an image like Patrick Nagatani’s from “Nuclear Enchantment,” discovering his home as it correlates to the history of war. We each have our own unique history and the way we view the world and our place in it; I am interested in viewing images that embody the importance and anxiety of being self-conscious."
10% of artist entry fees goes to the charity of the curator.
Jakubek chooses the Adaptive Surf Project.
Another 10% will go to the first place winner's choice of charity.
$20 for 3 images. ALL
entrants work is shown on their own page with their artist statement,
website info, bio and parts of their CV. Early entries are featured on
N.Y. Photo Curator's Facebook and Instagram pages.First Place winner receives Q&A with curator. Curator reviews first place winner. One or more past curators may contribute reviews as well. 10% of artist fees goes to the first place winner's charity. The first place image shows on our splash page for a month.
ALL entrants work is exhibited in a group online exhibition. Each entrant is asked to submit 3 images so they can have their own page with their images, bio, artist statement and contact info. In keeping with our mission of creating exposure opportunities and PR, we are proud to offer this feature. We hope this creates a vehicle that can take your work further and be seen by more people. No fewer than three images will be accepted to keep with the format of our website. Submitting less than three images will disqualify your entry.
The curator chooses one first place winner, one second place winner and three-five honorable mentions. The first place winner will receive a review by one or more curators including a Q&A about the photographer's work. In addition, their image will be on our home page for a month. Second place and honorable mentions will have their image shown along with their bio, artist statement, C.V. and a link back to their website.
Images are shared on our social media as they come in so we encourage early entry. The more exposure for your work the better.
We will waive the fee for 2 entrants per competition based on need. Just contact us at nyphotocurator@gmail.com and make the request.
Submit work deadline: October 29, 2019 (Midnight EST)