Friday, September 30, 2011
The Southeastern College Art Conference (SECAC)
This is the link>
Online registration closes on Oct 31. Onsite registration reopens at the Hilton DeSoto Hotel on Thursday, Nov 10 at 7 am; higher rates may apply.
*FULL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION: Students $50 / Faculty/Staff $150
Position Listing: The Department of Art and Design at East Tennessee State University
START DATE: August 15, 2012
ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: Primary responsibilities will involve teaching four courses in digital and /or analog photography each semester. Some supervision of facilities is expected.
QUALIFICATIONS: MFA in photography, earned by start date, with teaching experience in digital and analog photography and evidence of continuing artistic accomplishment. Experience teaching at the college level, past the TA, is preferred. Knowledge and experience in fine art photography including black and white and color film, view camera, analog printing, digital photography, Photoshop, inkjet, and other digital printing processes.
RANK AND SALARY: Visiting Assistant Professor. $24,000 with state employee benefits.
APPLICATION INFORMATION: Apply online at Submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, artist statement, teaching philosophy, current contact information for 3 academic or professional references. Send required additional materials to Mike Smith, Chair Photography Search, East Tennessee State University, Dept. of Art and Design, Box 70708, Johnson City, TN 37614. Additional materials include 20 images of personal/professional work and 20 images of student work on a Mac formatted CD. Provide a hard copy image list, with labeled thumbnails, to accompany CD. Image requirements on CD: JPEG formatted images, 2000 pixels at the longest edge. Each file size should not exceed 5mb. Websites will not be viewed in first review of applications. Official transcripts will be required of finalists. Deadline for receipt of applications is December 15, 2011. AA/EOE.
UNIVERSITY AND COMMUNITY: East Tennessee State University is a regional state-supported doctoral research institution serving over 15,000 students yearly and is located in a beautiful, prosperous, Southern Appalachian mountain community of Tennessee, which surrounds Johnson City and provides a friendly, small town atmosphere.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Position Listing: Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts
Chair, Department of Photography and Film
Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts
Position F28010
Full time Tenure Track Position beginning July 1, 2012
Review of Applications will begin January 2, 2012 and continue until position is filled.
The Department of Photography and Film in the School of the Arts at Virginia Commonwealth University, is seeking a dynamic chairperson to lead a successful department as it defines photography for students in the coming years. Artists working in photography or other lens based media, or scholars in allied fields (e.g., critics, curators, art historians) are encouraged to apply.
The Photography and Film department has a strong history with a renowned visiting artist program. The department offers a BFA with 120 undergrads, the majority in Photography. The MFA program in photography is a two-year, full time degree accepting five students annually for a class of ten. The Photography and Film Department has the resources and infrastructure to support both analog and digital processes. Applicants should have strong administrative skills and be conversant with contemporary art issues, critical theory, and contemporary studio practice.
The chair will articulate a vision for the department, be an equitable administrator and an enthusiastic advocate for their program. As the department’s chief advocate, the chair will lead the departments' recruitment efforts for undergraduate and graduate students focused on increasing the number and quality of applications. The chair will establish high expectations and be a champion for faculty research and scholarship. The School of the Arts welcomes opportunities for intellectual exchange between programs and disciplines, and the Photography and Film chair should possess the skills to work with a large and diverse faculty, staff, and student body throughout the School of the Arts.
U.S. News & World Report ranks the School of the Arts as the top public university art and design school in the nation. The Photography and Film Department is one of ten fine art programs in the School of the Arts. The School of the Arts is comprised of over 3000 students and 15 nationally recognized programs in design, visual and performing arts. Virginia Commonwealth University is an ethnically and culturally diverse urban institution serving 32,000 students.
VCU’s School of the Arts students are known for their meritocratic imagination, strong work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit. The School of the Arts has cultivated an environment of collegiality and support for its faculty, which has been key to the success of the institution. The city of Richmond, also a significant figure in the success of the School, has a robust community of artists and arts institutions, including the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and VCU’s planned Institute for Contemporary Art. VCU has strong connections to the major urban art centers of North America, and increasingly, the international art world. The School has a sister campus in Doha, Qatar, offering a BFA and MFA in design.
In addition to day-to-day administrative, academic, and managerial decisions, the chair must maintain, in concert with the faculty, an environment conducive to both hands-on practice and critical discourse. This faculty position is tenure-track at the rank of associate/full professor, while the chair’s assignment is renewed by School of the Arts Dean. A significant national or international reputation and an MFA, PhD, or equivalent is required. Five years teaching experience plus administrative experience is preferred. Demonstrated experience working in and fostering a diverse faculty, staff, and student environment or commitment to do so as a faculty member at VCU. Rank and salary are commensurate with qualifications and experience. The appointment date is July 1, 2012.
To apply, please send a letter outlining your interest in the position, an academic vita, 10 examples of professional work; and names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of four current references to Jack Risley (, Search Committee Chair. Only electronic applications will be accepted. (Documentation of creative work should be in the form of medium-size jpegs [approximately 300 kb per image]. Referral to a web page or other online image site is also an option.)
Department of Photography and Film Chair Search Committee Chair
Jack Risley, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Virginia Commonwealth University
School of the Arts
P.O. Box 842519
Richmond VA 23284-2519
Review of applicants will begin January 2, 2012 and continue until position is filled.
Virginia Commonwealth University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Women, minorities and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. For more information about the position and the VCU School of the Arts contact our website at
Position Listing: East Tennessee State University
VISITING ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY– The Department of Art and Design at East Tennessee State University seeks a full-time, temporary, photographer to teach all levels of undergraduate courses in digital photography as well as some courses in film based photography. This position is a one-year appointment, potentially renewable up to three years.
START DATE: August 15, 2012
ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: Primary responsibilities will involve teaching four courses in digital and /or analog photography each semester. Some supervision of facilities is expected.
QUALIFICATIONS: MFA in photography, earned by start date, with teaching experience in digital and analog photography and evidence of continuing artistic accomplishment. Experience teaching at the college level, past the TA, is preferred. Knowledge and experience in fine art photography including black and white and color film, view camera, analog printing, digital photography, Photoshop, inkjet, and other digital printing processes.
RANK AND SALARY: Visiting Assistant Professor. $24,000 with state employee benefits.
APPLICATION INFORMATION: Apply online at Submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, artist statement, teaching philosophy, current contact information for 3 academic or professional references. Send required additional materials to Mike Smith, Chair Photography Search, East Tennessee State University, Dept. of Art and Design, Box 70708, Johnson City, TN 37614. Additional materials include 20 images of personal/professional work and 20 images of student work on a Mac formatted CD. Provide a hard copy image list, with labeled thumbnails, to accompany CD. Image requirements on CD: JPEG formatted images, 2000 pixels at the longest edge. Each file size should not exceed 5mb. Websites will not be viewed in first review of applications. Official transcripts will be required of finalists. Deadline for receipt of applications is December 15, 2011. AA/EOE.
UNIVERSITY AND COMMUNITY: East Tennessee State University is a regional state-supported doctoral research institution serving over 15,000 students yearly and is located in a beautiful, prosperous, Southern Appalachian mountain community of Tennessee, which surrounds Johnson City and provides a friendly, small town atmosphere.
Exhibits at MOCA Jacksonville
Shared Vision:
The Sondra Gilman and Celso Gonzalez-Falla Collection of Photography
Sept. 17, 2011 — Jan. 8, 2012
Selections from one of the world’s best private collections of photography will be on display this fall at the Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville, a cultural resource of the University of North Florida.
Curated from the collection of Sondra Gilman and Celso Gonzalez-Falla by MOCA Curator Ben Thompson and UNF assistant professor of photography Paul Karabinis, “Shared Vision” features 200 iconic images that reflect the rich and diverse nature of the past 100 years of photography. Street scenes, the human form and environment, unique viewpoints, children and spectacular landscapes represent just a portion of the amazing holdings amassed by two individuals that ARTnews ranks among the world’s top ten photo collectors. The exhibition features prominent photographers including Alfred Stieglitz, Walker Evans, Eugene Atget, Doug and Mike Starn, Robert Mapplethorpe, Sally Mann, Loretta Lux and Ansel Adams.
Gilman and Gonzalez-Falla’s collaboration hinges on a few underlying principles—mainly, to acquire works of major importance by leading photographers of their generation and to focus on vintage prints. Although each of the collectors brings a different point of view to the photography—Gonzalez-Falla analyzes color and form, while Gilman responds to images on a more visceral level—these distinct approaches merge into a single, shared vision and emanate from the same goal: to collect photographs that move and inspire them.
No Place in Particular: Images of the American Landscape
UNF Gallery at MOCA
Sept. 7 — Nov. 6, 2011

The Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville presents No Place in Particular: Images of the American Landscape, a photography exhibition that investigates the visual, societal, and ecological consequences of postwar development. The photographers of the exhibition revel the ordinary in a unique and thoughtful manner that encourages contemplation regarding modern land-use practices and the particulars of place. Participating photographers include Jeremiah Ariaz, Bryon Darby, Jeff Rich, Matt Siber, Steven B. Smith, Amy Stein, Michael Vahrenwald and Scott Wheeler.
SPESE Regional Conference

Early Registration for the regional SPESE conference ends September 30, 2011. Members mailing in conference their form with a check need to have it post marked by September 30 for early registration discount. Attached registration form. Paypal option is available on the BLOG.
Conference Hotel
Sheraton of Myrtle Beach has extended the deadline for the conference discount on rooms to October 7 and they have expanded the block of rooms.

Friday, September 23, 2011
Photography Teaching Position: University of West Georgia
The Department of Art at the University of West Georgia is seeking candidates for a tenure track Assistant Professor of Photography position. Successful candidates will preferably have at least three years teaching experience beyond graduate level, an MFA in photography, an active exhibition record, and a fluency in the following; digital media, darkroom processes, digital workflow, and knowledge of time based media preferred. Applicant will be responsible for managing digital and wet labs, equipment, inventory, ordering, and work-study students. Applicant should be versed in historical and contemporary issues, and have experience with curriculum development.
Please submit a letter of intent, CV, artist statement, teaching philosophy, CD, DVD or online portfolio of 20 images of recent work, and 20 images of student works, sample syllabi, copies of graduate and undergraduate transcripts, and the names and contact info of three references. Application due in office by October 14, position starts January 2, 2012. Send all materials and SASE to: Photography Search Committee, Department of Art, 1601 Maple St. Carrollton, GA 30117. For electronic submissions, send materials to:
We are an equal opportunity employer.
The Writer's Studio
Friday's 10-1, Jen Library room 219
Bring writing assignments to work on with a consultant available.
Walk-in Fridays 1-4, Jen Library 219
Walk-in times are limited to 15 minutes. If you require additional assistance you can schedule and appointment at
Questions call 912-525-4707 or email at
Flyers attached.

Thursday, September 22, 2011
Photo Group
The PhotoGroup News Letter!
In case you missed the meeting, or can't remember what we said.
(Beacuse sometimes when the pizza wears off our brains wander...)
Here at Photogroup we really like 3 things; Photography, Community, and Pizza. and because of our immense affection we’ve set out on a mission. A mission to combine all of these things into a trifecta based supergroup of awesomeness. A supergroup that has the power to promote its members and bolster the education of photography at our school.
Photogroup is comprised of students just like you. All majors are part of this community. Because what’s collaboration without diversity? So share some links on our wall and talk with us about Photography. You’ll even get some free pizza along the way. Because we realize with just a little friendliness together we can make something really cool.
We meet every other tuesday in Bergen (signs posted for what room we'll be in around the lobby). Our next meeting is 10/4. Don't miss it!
Secondly, WHAT DO WE DO?
PhotoGroup provides: A community for photographers at SCAD, gallery shows (2 a year), online promotion, artist lecture series, portfolio reviews, and demonstrations.
PhotoGroup <3 's Collaboration!
PhotoGroup is NOT just for photography majors. Even one of our officers (Mark) is an Ad major. PhotoGroup has collaborated in the past with other clubs such as Fashion for cool shoots, networking, and all sorts of fun.
Not only friend us, but put things on our wall! Throw us ideas, tell people that you're selling equipment, find out what everyone else is up to. Plan to network and collaborate with other members....the possibilities are endless.
Call for Entry
86th Annual International Competition
Deadline October 19, 2011
Juror Jennifer Blessing, Curator of Photography, Guggenheim Museum, NY
Awards + Prizes
Monday, September 19, 2011
Photo Group - First Meeting of the 2011-2012 Year
HCP 2012 Fellowships
Juried Fellowship Awards
HCP grants 2 fellowship awards annually which include a $2,500 grant and a solo exhibition at HCP.
This annual call is open to HCP members and juried by an internationally acclaimed specialist in the field.
The Carol Crow Memorial Fellowship is awarded to a Houston-based photographer and the HCP Fellowship is awarded to a national or international photographer. Fellowship recipients and honorable mention recipients receive an artist page on the HCP Member Artist Database.
This call for entries will open on Thursday, September 22, 2011.
Special thanks to the friends and family of Carol Crow and Anonymous for supporting HCP's fellowship program.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
Please VOTE

Please vote for, alumna, James Jackman
Please click on link above.
If you have a few seconds to spare, please help James out by clicking the 'vote for me' link at the top of the page.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Lecture Matt Mahurin
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
6 p.m., Monday, Sept. 26, 2011
Lecture at the Richard Arnold Auditorium
Discussion with SCAD students who have projects on Kickstarter
If anyone has had their own Kickstarter project please contact, Verena Paepcke-Hjeltness
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Reminder: Sal Lopes Lecture Exclusively for SCAD Students

Sal Lopes Lecture Exclusively for SCAD Students
6:00pm Wednesday, September 21, 2011, Jepson Auditorium
The Jepson will open exclusively for SCAD students at 6:00 to view Mr. Lopes' exhibition.
Lecture begins at 6:30 in the auditorium.
You must show your SCAD ID at the door.
From Sal Lopes' website:
Internationally renowned, Sal Lopes is a photographer and platinum printer who has had numerous exhibitions and publications in the United States and abroad. His personal work is widely exhibited and collected, with more than 130 prints in museum collections.
Over the years, he has had more than fifty exhibitions at venues including The International Center of Photography, The Art Institute of Chicago, The Chrysler Museum, The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, and the Williams College Museum of Art, among others. In addition, his photographs are included in the collections of The Art Institute of Chicago, The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, The Chrysler Museum, The Museum of Contemporary Art (Los Angeles), Cleveland Museum of Art, and the Musée de L’Elysee in Lausanne, Switzerland.
His photographs have appeared in magazines ranging from Newsweek and National Geographic to French PHOTO, Black & White Magazine and Shutterbug. Larger bodies of work have been published in the books The Wall: Images and Offerings from the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, published by Harper/Collins, and Living with AIDS: A Photographic Journal, published by Little/Brown.
During the years, he has been selected to work on most of the important printing projects, producing portfolios and exhibition prints for galleries and noted photographers. Printing clients include: Horst P. Horst, Herb Ritts, Mary Ellen Mark, Edward Weston Estate, Paul Strand Estate, Aperture, Robert Mapplethorpe, Ruth Bernhard, Robert Rauschenberg, Phil Trager, Keith Carter, Judy Dater, George Platt Lynes, Peter Lindbergh, Anderson and Low, and many others.
See more at
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Videos From Spring 2011 PHOT 419

Take a look at a selection of student videos from last Spring's Digital Video class on this Vimeo site.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Photography Teaching Position: Hampshire College
Assistant Professor of Photography
Hampshire College, an independent, innovative liberal arts institution and member of the Five College Consortium, is accepting applications for a full-time Assistant Professor of Photography beginning July 1, 2012.
We seek candidates who are actively engaged artists with demonstrated successful teaching at the undergraduate level in both digital and analogue photography; incorporation in course work of art historical, critical and philosophical writings and current transnational and cross-cultural practices in photography, art, and digital media. Demonstrated expertise in at least two of the following areas: analog black and white photography, digital capture and printing, large format photography and early processes. Specific area(s) of interest in seminar topics (such as media theory, critical theory, multidisciplinary work) and a critical/analytical approach to issues surrounding cultural production is essential. Ability to communicate and work effectively within a culturally diverse and multi-disciplinary campus community and within a program incorporating film, video, installation and performance studies is also important. Qualified candidates must have an MFA in photography (or its equivalent) and a significant exhibition/publication record. The position involves substantial student advising, program and course development and college governance.
Hampshire College is an equal opportunity employer committed to building a culturally diverse intellectual community and strongly encourages applications from minority candidates.
Please submit a letter highlighting teaching and professional work, a CV (including email address), course syllabi examples, names and contact information of three recommenders, and 20 images each of professional and student work via our website only. No hard copies will be accepted. Review of applications will begin October 14, 2011.
Hampshire College is an equal opportunity institution, committed to diversity in education and employment.
Blog Archive
- The Southeastern College Art Conference (SECAC)
- Position Listing: The Department of Art and Design...
- Position Listing: Virginia Commonwealth University...
- Position Listing: East Tennessee State University
- Exhibits at MOCA Jacksonville
- SPESE Regional Conference
- Photography Teaching Position: University of West ...
- The Writer's Studio
- Photo Group
- Call for Entry
- Photo Group - First Meeting of the 2011-2012 Year
- HCP 2012 Fellowships
- College Photographer of the Year
- Please VOTE
- Lecture Matt Mahurin
- Lecture
- Reminder: Sal Lopes Lecture Exclusively for SCAD S...
- Videos From Spring 2011 PHOT 419
- Photography Teaching Position: Hampshire College