Saturday, April 30, 2011
Silver & Ink Pick Up
Atlanta Professor, Forest McMullin's Kickstarter Project
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
First Come, First Served; Last Minute S&I Review Openings
Available times are as follows:
Fleming Caffery:
Thursday, 4/28 at 2:00 pm and 2:20 pm, Bergen 201 (these reviews were rescheduled from Saturday to Thursday to accommodate Ms. Fleming Caffery's travel plans).
Saturday, 10:40 am, Bergen, room TBD
Graduate Studies Reception for MAs and MFAs
Friday, April 22, 2011
Fall Registration
PHOT 440 Corporate Photography
Students develop a portfolio that demonstrates a mastery of the specialized techniques and aesthetics associated with corporate photography. Prerequisite(s): PHOT 319.
TR 5pm Catherine Cardarelli
PHOT 445 Conceptual Photography Studio
A studio course directed to the successful analysis of methods for developing conceptual skills. There is a thorough and deep understanding of creative thinking versus critical thinking, and an investigation of the role of creative thinking in conceptualization, ?brainstorming', and non-linear image making. Prerequisite(s): PHOT 313.
TR 11 Catherine Cardarelli
PHOT 409 Art Direction of Advertising
Experiencing and building on a working relationship with student art directors, very similar to what they will experience in the professional world, photography students will work to an original layout, meet with the art director for pre-production discussions, and participate in the successful resolution of the concept and design of advertising images. Prerequisite PHOT 313
TR 2pm Catherine Cardarelli
PHOT 403 Professional Practices for Fine Art Photography
Providing students with a comprehensive introduction to accepted practices in the marketing of fine art photography, this course takes a multifaceted approach to professional art business concerns. Course topics include how to approach galleries, portfolio-reviewing events, legal considerations, collectors, museum practices, portfolio preparation and self-promotion. Prerequisite(s): PHOT 219. This course can be substituted for PHOT 400 Business Practices.
MW 5pm Jeff Rich
PHOT 346 Mixed-media Photography
This course provides students with an overview of a broad variety of visual forms, media, operative concepts and theories that pertain to both historical and contemporary photographic practices. Students explore the impact of many of these issues through individual practices, lectures, assigned readings, class discussions and critiques. The primary practical work consists of a series of studio projects, in addition to an assigned journal/ sketchbook that is maintained throughout the quarter. Prerequisite(s): PHOT 320.
MW 11 Lynn Wright
PHOT 326 Advanced Black-and-white Printmaking
This course examines the issues and materials involved in the evolution of a personal style of expressive black-and-white printmaking. Areas of investigation include paper characteristics, developer choice and fabrication, print size, multifilter printing and chemical after-treatment. Prerequisite(s): PHOT 115
MW 2 Jaclyn Cori Norman
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Art Fusion Galleries: Call for Work
Art Fusion Galleries
"History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats."
Bertie C. Forbes
Art Fusion Galleries is proud to present our
1st International Fine Arts Competition.
To Apply, click here: Art Competition Information
Winners will be announced on June 1st, 2011. (Winners will be posted on our website homepage and contacted by Gallery Management)
Awards will be distributed as follows:
1st Prize will include:
A 3 month Exhibition at Art Fusion Galleries
during Art Basel Miami 2011, (followed by)....
A 3 month Exhibition at Hotel Urbano on
Brickell Avenue, Miami, FL
Cash prize of $1000.00
1 year of Representation at Art Fusion Galleries
A 2-night stay at Hotel Urbano
Dinner for 2 at Hotel Urbano
One year online promotion
2nd Prize will include:
A 3 month Exhibition of 2 selected art works at
Art Fusion Galleries during Art Basel Miami 2011
Cash Prize of $300.00
One year online promotion
3rd Prize will include:
A 3 month Exhibition of 1 selected art work at
Art Fusion Galleries during Art Basel Miami 2011
Cash prize of $200
One year online promotion
Click below to see our "2010 Art Basel/Anniversary Exhibition" and "ABOVE & BEYOND Opening Night Reception"
Art Fusion Galleries
1 N.E. 40th Street
Miami, Florida 33137
Monday, April 18, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Silver & Ink Portfolio Review Schedule Has Been Posted
Click on the tab above to view your S&I Portfolio Review schedule. If you know in advance that you cannot make a scheduled review, it is your responsibility to email ASAP. If you miss a scheduled review, you will forfeit the rest of your reviews and they will be re-assigned. Room assignments will be posted in the lobby of Bergen Hall on review days (4/29 and 4/30). Please arrive at least 10 minutes prior to your review start time(s), and come prepared with examples of your work and any optional leave behinds (business cards, postcards, etc.).
There are only a handful of remaining slots with Ellen Silverman and Michelle Citrin. These will be assigned on a first-come, first served basis. Email with your requests.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Teaching Position Available
We are looking for someone who could teach: Drawing, Painting, Printmaking and Film Photography. Expertise in at least a couple of these areas would be desired.
Along with teaching, we are hoping the candidate will help with the preparation of student portfolios for the college admissions process and manage our small art gallery, the Owen Art Gallery, located in our art facility.
Also, other responsibilities would include being an advisor to a group of approximately 8 students, supervision of a co-curricular activity or sport, evening duty and periodic weekend duty. Housing and meals would be provided. The food here is darn good.
We would like someone who works well with kids, and has teaching experience.
If you know of someone who you think might be interested and qualified, could you please pass this information along?
The official job description is posted on our website: A resume and cover letter should be sent to: Tom Whittington, Dean of Academics, Gould Academy, Bethel, Maine, 04217, or email the information to:
The sooner the application, the better. Thanks for your help.
Lauren Head
Dept Chair
Visual Arts Dept
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Changes to S&I Reviewers and Panelists
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Silver & Ink Portfolio Review Pre-registration Closed.
Judy Herrmann
Gary Hurewitz
Chris Lane
Ellen Silverman
If you would like to schedule an appointment with one of these reviewers, please send an email to with up to 2 choices. Remaining appointments will be filled on a first come, first served basis. The final schedule will be posted to the blog on or before Friday, 4/15 and in Bergen Hall outside room 201 on Monday, 4/18.
Please note the following cancellations:
Keith Carter
Bill Douthitt
Every effort is being made to provide students who were scheduled for a review with either Bill or Keith with a substitute. Please watch the blog for updates. At this time, please do not send substitution requests.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Student Scholarships Available for Summer LOOK3 Festival and Workshops in Charlottesville, VA
LOOK3's featured artists in 2011 are Nan Goldin, Antonin Kratochvil, and Massimo Vitali. We will also present the World Press Photo exhibit, Pictures of the Year international, and more on-stage presentations by Steve McCurry, LaToya Ruby Frazier, and Ashley Gilbertson. More artists will be announced soon.
For more information, please visit the LOOK3 website Information about how to apply can be found at the bottom of each workshop page. There is also info on reduced rate accommodations on our travel/lodging page.
Billboard Art Project-Call for Work

Savannah, Georgia
The Billboard Art Project promotes the usage of digital billboards as an artistic medium. The program is open to all artists and rotates locations throughout the country to encourage varietal dissemination of styles and philosophies.
On Saturday, May 14, 2011, The Billboard Art Project will be hosting a show in Savannah, Georgia. Artists’ submissions will run on a billboard located across the street from Oglethorpe Mall on Hodgson Memorial Drive for a period of 24 hours. During this time a variety of pictures having nothing to do with advertising will be displayed for the general public’s viewing pleasure.
All images must fit requirements provided in the jpeg file above. Submissions should be sized to fit the billboard and cannot contain any “black bars” or borders that compensate for images that do not fit within the aspect ratio. Digital billboards are being rented from private advertising corporations who have the contractual right to refuse any images submitted for display if they deem them inappropriate. Depictions of nudity, profanity and libelous content will be rejected, and corporate images and logos cannot be used without express written consent from any such entity. If there is any doubt as to whether or not the content of a submission will be accepted, you may contact us with any considerations.
Each image will be up for a period of ten seconds. To lengthen the time an image is displayed, it can be duplicated and renamed to add another ten seconds to the viewing time. This process can be repeated to acquire the desired length of time with no image exceeding six repetitions or a total of 60 seconds. The ten-second interval also provides the opportunity for sequential projects. A student project can consist of up to 3 minutes (18 images) of non-repeating images.
When building your folder of images, please label your jpg files with your last name and a sequential number consisting of zeros as placeholders. The file folder in which the jpegs reside should have the complete name of the piece. An example of file naming is as follows.
If an artist by the last name of Martin submits a 3 minute project the files should be named accordingly.
- first file from three-minute project: martin(a)01.jpg
- last file from three-minute project: martin(a)18.jpg
The digital billboards can be seen from cars passing by and from spots under the billboards where people can stop and watch the images as long as they like. Keeping this in mind, the most effective images of the project will work well in conjunction with one another and also as singular moments.
Participant's work will have a ten second introduction (including the name of the artist and the title of the work) before their piece begins. Do not include this information within the content of the images you submit. There will also be a press release with a schedule and an online presence to assure all participating artists are given full credit for their work. Each set of images will be a part of a six to eight hour cycle repeated over the course of a 24 hour period on the selected billboard in Savannah.
Each artist should provide the following information in pdf form. For deadline information please talk with the faculty coordinator. (Faculty coordinator: Steve Mosch. You must drop off your entries on CD to 201 Bergen Hall or email your folders to by midnight 4/22/2011. They will then be assembled and submitted as a group.)
- Artist contact information including telephone number, e-mail, and mailing address
- The web address for artist if applicable
- A biography consisting of no more than 120 words
- A rough estimate of how many images the artist plans to submit.
The group of images submitted as a whole by Savannah College of Art and Design must be received absolutely no later than Friday, April 29, 2011 on CD, DVD, jump drive, or through the FTP site Submissions can be mailed to the following address:
The Billboard Project
Attn: David Morrison
3119 West Moore Street
Richmond, VA 23230
For additional information go to or contact us at (804) 648-2422.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Maldoror's Frame Shop Offers 10% Silver & Ink Framing Discount
Mention "Silver & Ink" and get a 10% discount on framing your piece(s) for the Silver & Ink Exhibit.
Maldoror's is located in the Starland District across from Desoto Row gallery.
Photography Non-Tenure Track Tyler School of Art, teaching position
Photography Non-Tenure Track Tyler School of Art, teaching position
Assistant Professor (Teaching/ Instructional) in Photography – Non-Tenure Track Appointment 2011-2012 Description: The Graphic Arts and Design Department of Tyler School of Art, Temple University, invites applications to apply for a non-tenure track, renewable, full-time position in Photography. Teaching responsibilities will include traditional darkroom-based photographic processes, digital photography, and other new media. The Photography Area is seeking a candidate who can teach theory and practice courses at all levels of the curriculum. Additional responsibilities may include advising students and some administrative duties in the area. The department seeks an artist with a broad knowledge of historical and contemporary art practices, as well as a thorough understanding of technical, critical, and theoretical issues of the media. We expect a candidate to have some significant professional accomplishments and a demonstrated commitment to teaching. The Department’s faculty is diverse in professional interests and active professionally. It is our intention to find an individual who will expand this academic diversity and career excellence while having the capability to work closely with others. The faculty is dedicated to research, teaching excellence, and its mission to serve a diverse population. The successful candidate will be expected to teach at all levels of our BFA undergraduate program and may be asked to participate in the MFA graduate program. Applicants should have a broad range of technical and intellectual skills, with wide ranging conceptual and creative interests. Classes will be mostly studio-based with some seminars focusing on theory and professional practice. The appointee will work closely with the Area Head and the Department Chair. The teaching load is 4/4 courses per year with flexibility in terms of administrative duties. This position is a full-time, non-tenure track one-year (renewable) appointment beginning Fall, 2011.
RANK: Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional)
SALARY: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates must have a MFA or equivalent foreign qualifications and a minimum of four years of teaching experience at the college level. Strong skills in both digital and traditional photographic techniques are required. Applicants should submit on Slideroom the following information: A cover letter detailing qualifications Detail of administrative experience in your cover letter Curriculum vitae and evidence of work in your field Statement of teaching philosophy Sample syllabi Three names, email addresses and phone numbers of reference Documentation of recent work: 20 examples of personal work and 20 examples of student work. These should be uploaded to Slideroom: Note: All the materials listed above must be uploaded to Slideroom. CDs and slides will not be accepted. Other supporting materials will only be accepted for candidates who are contacted by the search committee for an interview. Materials such as a CV, statement, and syllabi sent by mail will not be reviewed. Finalists must be prepared to submit student evaluations for courses taught and official transcripts, as well as a hard copy of your signed and dated curriculum vitae. Finalists will also be invited to send supporting materials, but these will not be returned without a self-addressed, stamped envelope. All supporting material must be mailed to the address below. Tyler School of Art is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer committed to increasing and sustaining its diverse academic community.
Applications are due April 22 but will be reviewed as received. Please send your packet to: Stephanie Knopp, Chair Graphic Arts and Design Department Tyler School of Art Temple University 2001 North 13th Street Philadelphia, PA 19122
Link to the post:
Link to National Council of Art Administrators:
Monday, April 4, 2011
Plastic Fantastic Call for Entries
LightBox is very pleased to have Susan Burnstine as juror for the Plastic Fantastic Show II. Susan is an incredibly talented photographer who uses homemade cameras consisting of plastic lenses and vintage camera and household parts. She began working with toy cameras and has become a highly acclaimed photographic artist shooting with film and using rudimentary cameras of her own design. Her images are mesmerizing and dreamlike and her methods use film with the purity of the process as a vital element, without relying on digital processing.
LightBox feels we have the perfect juror for this years Plastic Fantastic Show. LightBox is looking for pure Toy Camera Photography, and will accept images shot only with film using plastic, pinhole, box or homemade cameras. No digital photography is accepted for the Plastic Fantastic Show. Prints may be made with digital methods, however, digital post processing of images is not encouraged. LightBox seeks photographic prints of the highest quality, and offers framing for display in the gallery. We are very excited about this exhibit, and hope to show the best in toy camera photography from around the world, please help us with your submissions.
Keith Carter, Silver & Ink
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Blog Archive
- Silver & Ink Pick Up
- Atlanta Professor, Forest McMullin's Kickstarter P...
- LOL of the Day
- First Come, First Served; Last Minute S&I Review O...
- Graduate Studies Newsletter and Updates
- Graduate Studies Reception for MAs and MFAs
- Fall Registration
- Support SCAD Photo BFA Alum Lance Horsford, Wrangl...
- Art Fusion Galleries: Call for Work
- Support SCAD MFA Alum, Theron Humphrey in Realizin...
- Silver & Ink Portfolio Review Schedule Has Been Po...
- Teaching Position Available
- Changes to S&I Reviewers and Panelists
- PDN Faces: Portrait Contest Call for Entries
- Creative Loafing Summer Photography Internship
- Power of Self Call for Entries
- Call for Entries...
- Silver & Ink Portfolio Review Pre-registration Clo...
- MTV Reality Show Casting Call
- Student Scholarships Available for Summer LOOK3 Fe...
- Billboard Art Project-Call for Work
- Maldoror's Frame Shop Offers 10% Silver & Ink Fram...
- Photography Non-Tenure Track Tyler School of Art, ...
- Plastic Fantastic Call for Entries
- Keith Carter, Silver & Ink
- Silver & Ink Publication Jury Results Are In!