Sunday, January 30, 2011
Safe Shelter for Savannah Fundraiser
Saturday, January 29, 2011
FotoEvidence call for entries.

Once a year the FotoEvidence Book Award will recognize a documentary project addressing a violation of human rights, a significant injustice, or an assault on human dignity. The selected project will be published in a book, as part of a series of FotoEvidence books dedicated to the work of photographers whose commitment and courage create an awareness of social injustice.
The winning photographer will have their project published as a FotoEvidence book. In addition, one project may be selected for a $1000 support award. This award will be granted for continued work on a project or to a project that does not have enough material to justify a book. Recipients of the Support Award may apply for the FotoEvidence Book Award in the future.
The Book Award and Support Award prize winners and three other projects will be exhibited on the FotoEvidence web site and at a gallery exhibition in New York City during the fall of 2011.
Submission Requirements:
- The competition is open to professional and amateur photographers.
- Submit up to 15 images from one project. If you are selected for the FotoEvidence Book Award you will be asked to submit 100-120 photographs on the same topic.
- $50 entry fee, payable during the online entry process.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Hallmark Internship Opportunities
Students interested in an internship should visit College Central and search for job# 2115812 for details and a link to apply online. Additionally, you may send a message with a resume, cover letter and link to your Web site or digital portfolio (no pdfs of work) to career counselor Tiffany Sperring by Wednesday, Feb. 2 to be considered for an interview with Hallmark recruiter Erin Roebuck on either Thursday, Feb. 10 or Friday, Feb. 11. Hard copy portfolios may be delivered to the office for career and alumni success at York Hall, 4th floor, 115 E. York St., Savannah, Georgia by Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2 p.m. Students selected for an interview will be contacted via e-mail or phone to arrange an interview time.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Volunteer for SPE Atlanta
Each year SPE has an army of student volunteers that help put on the conference! Join our ranks and meet your peers from across the nation and get a break on registration too. In exchange for 8 hours of service during the conference SPE student volunteers will receive a $65 rebate on the cost of regular student registration.
Volunteers are required to attend a training session before the conference on Wednesday 4 - 6 pm or Wednesday 9 - 11 pm. A brief training session will be held Thursday morning (8 - 10 am) for those absolutely not able to attend a Wednesday training session.
Volunteers also gain access to the exclusive Student Seminar: "A Life in Art: The Realities and the Economy" with Mary Virginia Swanson, Susan kae Grant and moderated by Dennis Keeley.
Space is limited, sign up online by February 25 at
SCAD SPE Scholarship Awards
Zhenji Dong is the Graduate Student recipient.

Internet Effect Digital Photograph May, 2010
Mark Dorf is the Undergraduate Student recipient.

The Architect Archival Pigment Print
I hope all students will attend the national conference, March 10-13, it looks to be a great event. The early bird price for registration ends on February 25, 2011.
Panel Discussion
Monday, January 24, 7:30, Alexander Hall Auditorium.
Guests panelists Tom Fischer, Joe Seipel, and Steve Bliss will be available to impart their experience and wisdom regrading the Teaching Job Search Market, the Hiring Process, and the CAA Conference.
This is primarily a question and answer session to help students better understand how the search and interview process works. The do's and don'ts of the process and conference participation.
Please join us and bring your questions.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
MFA Alumna, Tobia Makover Local Exhibition, Opening 2/11
Friday, January 21, 2011
Teaching Position for MFAs
Visiting Faculty in Photography
SMFA seeks outstanding artists with solid classroom experience, a thorough understanding of and ability to articulate contemporary theory and current debates and a broad command of technical skills to fill one or more full-time visiting faculty positions and two part-time visiting faculty positions in photography.
The full-time visiting faculty position requires very strong digital skills, including in-depth understanding of cameras, scanners and other image-acquisition devices, image processing and fine print production. In addition to a range of studio courses, there will be opportunities to construct seminar courses on special topics.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Center Call for Entries
Call for Entries - Center Awards and Review Santa Fe from Laura Pressley on Vimeo.
More information:
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Parish Kohanim Artist's Talk and Q&A
SCAD Student Center, 120 Montgomery St. 2nd Floor
Mr. Kohanim is a Canon Explorer of Light lecture series participant. He specializes in unique, imaginative portraits and lyrical commercial/editorial work.
To see more of his work, go to:
PhotoGroup Presents: Zack Arias Lecture
Kristen Densmore MFA Thesis Opening This Friday
Dates: January 19th-25th
Gallery Hours: 10am-4pm, or by appointment
Opening Reception: Friday, January 21 6-9pm
Venue: Oglethorpe Gallery, 406 E. Oglethorpe Ave.
The Nature of Containment is a photographic installation which explores the complicated relationship between humans and the natural world.
I believe that zoos and aquariums are metaphoric for the human relationship to the non-human world. Both the modern zoo and photography were conceived of during the Victorian era. I'm using a 'Victorian lens' to explore the idea of how we perceive and relate to the natural world, especially animals. One of the main parts of the installation will consist of photographic images printed on leaves. I will be displaying them in handmade wooden boxes that are reminiscent of insect collection boxes of the 1800's. The leaves will be pinned inside the boxes like specimens. The boxes are made completely with locally salvaged antique wood. Photographic silhouettes and stereoscopes will also be on display.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Wedding Photography Opportunity
We are looking for a photographer who is eager to expand his/her portfolio with a formal event the evening of June 18th, 2011. The event will be hosted at the AVIA hotel, 14 Barnard Street, but
photography will not be limited to this space. Proficient experience with evening and low-light photography required.
Interested photographers contact Sean Foster via e-mail, or phone (765) 620-1724, please provide selections from your portfolio.
Canon Pixma Pro 9000 for Sale
Friday, January 14, 2011
Wedding Photographer Wanted: 5/21/2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Call for Entries: "Drawing Works"
This exhibition highlights drawing as a fundamental language in all creative fields. From quick sketches in journals to meticulously developed full-size renderings, "Drawing Works" celebrates the processes, the materials - traditional, digital and unconventional - and above all the flexibility the language of drawing offers to all.
It's open to all Savannah and Atlanta SCAD undergraduate students in all majors. To enter, submit one to three images. There is no size limit. All drawing forms, mediums, styles and formats will be considered. Images of drawings should be e-mailed in a PowerPoint presentation with "Drawing Works" in the subject line.
Provide the artist's name, contact information and major/minor. Each PowerPoint image should include the artist's name, title, medium, dimensions, artist price; hard copy (ready to hang); and digital submissions to be on exhibit, which should include a LCD screen for digital work.
Submit by Jan. 17. Notification of inclusion will happen on Jan. 25.
A lecture by juror Rachel Liebowitz will be held March 4 at 5 p.m. in Alexander auditorium. A reception and awards announcements will follow from 6-7 p.m. in Alexander Gallery.
Best in show of the ideation, exploration and expression categories have $500 prizes.
An exhibition of the work will run from March 4-18 in Alexander Hall, 668 Indiant St.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Call For Entry- "Photography Unseen" - Deadline 01/28/2011
Desotorow Gallery announces a call to artists for “Photography Unseen,” an exhibition to
be held Feb. 18 - March 1, 2011. Our culture is inundated by the photographic image.
Everyday of our lives we face a multitude of varying photographs. Yet, we rarely
contemplate the implications of a single picture. Instead, we have become desensitized
and too often this rich form of information is taken for granted. Photography Unseen is
an exhibition that invites artists to address this concern via a unique perspective, there are
no photographs allowed. The subject is photography but all mediums except the
photographic print may be included. Perhaps this strategy will spawn a more dynamic
appreciation for something we encounter so often.
The juried exhibition “Photography Unseen” is open to national and international artists
of all levels. To be considered, an entry form, entry fee, artist statement and digital
images of the artwork should be submitted to Desotorow Gallery by 5 pm, Jan. 28, 2011.
A $20 submission fee allows for the submission of up to 3 pieces of work. Artists will
receive notification of the list of selected pieces through email on Jan. 31.
Further information about submitting work for the exhibition “Photography Unseen,”
including a complete list of dates, submission guidelines and forms, can be found at
Any questions about Desotorow Gallery and this exhibition can be addressed by calling
912.355.8204 or emailing
Call for Entries: Portfolio Awards Show
The Portfolio Awards Show will take place Feb. 20-26 at Wallin Hall, 312 E. 37th St., Savannah, Georgia.
The annual exhibition acknowledges SCAD students who excel in their foundation studies work. An exemplary portfolio speaks to the breadth of foundation studies and contains some combination of design (2-D, 3-D, color theory) and drawing. Ten finalists will each receive a $100 Ex Libris voucher. The overall winner will receive a tuition scholarship for one class for a subsequent quarter at SCAD.
Submit portfolios to Wallin Hall, 312 E. 37th St.
Five original pieces of artwork completed while attending SCAD. Work in 2-D form must be original and contained in a portfolio. Work in 3-D may be submitted with clearly labeled photographs or in digital form with information indicating size and media. Work in 3-D must be readily available for exhibition if selected. Each piece submitted must be labeled with the student name, e-mail, phone number, foundation studies course in which the work was produced and professor of the class.
A typed, one-page, double-spaced statement titled “Why Foundation Studies Is Important to My Education” should be submitted as a hard copy and digitally as an attached document via e-mail to along with a completed entry form, available upon submission, and unofficial transcript obtainable via MySCAD. Any undergraduate student who has not accumulated more than 71 credit hours and has completed or is enrolled in at least one foundation studies course at SCAD is eligible.
Reception will take place Feb. 25, 2-4 p.m. in Wallin Hall.
Wedding Photography Opportunity
Monday, January 3, 2011
Nina Katchadourian Lecture: 1/13/2011, 6pm, Student Center
Nina Katchadourian will be speaking on Thursday, January 13th, from 6:00-8:00pm at the student center. The event is free and open to the public. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Digital Imaging for the Web course now available
Blog Archive
- Safe Shelter for Savannah Fundraiser
- FotoEvidence call for entries.
- Hallmark Internship Opportunities
- Cultivating Savannah Art Call for Entries
- Volunteer for SPE Atlanta
- SCAD SPE Scholarship Awards
- Panel Discussion
- MFA Alumna, Tobia Makover Local Exhibition, Openin...
- Teaching Position for MFAs
- Center Call for Entries
- Parish Kohanim Artist's Talk and Q&A
- PhotoGroup Presents: Zack Arias Lecture
- Kristen Densmore MFA Thesis Opening This Friday
- Wedding Photography Opportunity
- Canon Pixma Pro 9000 for Sale
- Wedding Photographer Wanted: 5/21/2011
- Call for Entries: "Drawing Works"
- Call For Entry- "Photography Unseen" - Deadline 01...
- An Le & Christpher Hench Model Casting Call
- Call for Entries: Portfolio Awards Show
- Wedding Photography Opportunity
- Nina Katchadourian Lecture: 1/13/2011, 6pm, Studen...
- Digital Imaging for the Web course now available