Sunday, December 20, 2009
Call for Entries to "Blind Proxy"
The call for entries to “Blind Proxy” is open to national and international artists of all levels, and works of all genres and media. Works should be exactly 10 inches by 10 inches, and unframed. To be entered, an entry form and $10 entry fee should be submitted to Desotorow Gallery by 5pm, Jan. 22. You supply the piece and Desotorow will construct the puzzle, combining all the individual works into one large installation.
Further information about submitting work for the exhibition “Blind Proxy,” including a complete list of dates, submission guidelines and forms, can be found at
Any questions about Desotorow Gallery and this exhibition can be addressed by calling 912.355.8204 or emailing
Friday, December 18, 2009
Asst. Professor, Bradley University
Assistant Professor of Art in Photography, Bradley University
Bradley University, Department of Art
Peoria, Illinois
Assistant Professor of Art in Photography
Tenure-Track, beginning August 2010
Submit completed application by January 15th; review of applications will continue until position is filled
Primary responsibilities include, but are not limited to teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in Black and White and Digital Photography, and Video, as well as other core courses as appropriate. The successful candidate will be committed to a collaborative relationship with studio and art history areas and contribute to the creative and intellectual life of the department, which includes the new Inland Visual Studies Center. Faculty must be willing to assume various responsibilities associated with a comprehensive masters university, including the successful pursuit of their own creative production, mentoring students, organizing lectures by visiting artists and historians, supervising field trips, and serving on college committees. Opportunities for departmental teamwork include study abroad programs, advising program majors, serving on MFA committees, seeking resource development, contributing to the design of a guest speakers program, exhibition development, internship programs, and establishing formal and informal class connections with peer institutions.
Required: An appropriate MFA degree; University teaching experience; an expressed interest in interdisciplinary studies and a commitment to principles of cultural diversity; a strong technical, conceptual, and historical grasp of the intersecting worlds of photography and experimental video production; experience working directly with photography and digital media; a record of successful exhibition in a variety of modes and venues including, but not limited to galleries, theatres, museums, festivals, and webcast. Skills in Adobe Photoshop and studio lighting are also required.
Preferred: At least one year college-level teaching experience beyond graduate school; a record of interdisciplinary projects and initiatives. Fluency in global, national and regional art discourses. Skills in traditional processes in photography, including non-silver processes and other experimental processes such as digital negatives, pin-hole cameras, to large format 4×5 cameras.
Application must include the following:
• Hard-copy cover letter,
• Current CV,
• Artist statement,
• A statement of teaching philosophy
• Sample syllabus for an undergraduate studio course,
• Documentation of personal work—slides, CD, DVD, URL)
• Contact information for three professional references
To ensure full consideration, application material should be received by
January 15, 2010. Please note if you will be attending the CAA conference in Chicago. Review of applications will continue until position is filled.
Send applications materials to:
Photography Search Chair
Department of Art
Bradley University
1401 Bradley Ave.
Peoria, IL 61625-0140
Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience and qualifications.
Bradley University is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The administration, faculty and staff are committed to attracting qualified candidates from underrepresented groups.
Bradley University is an independent, comprehensive university enrolling 6,000 students, 5,000 in undergraduate programs. The NASAD Accredited Department of Art has over 160 undergraduate majors and 15 graduate MFA and MA students For additional information about the University visit
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Call for Entries to "Illumination"
The juried exhibition “Illumination” is open to national and international artists of all levels. Entries to this call should either be constructed using light or explore light as subject matter. To be considered, an entry form, entry fee, artist statement and digital images of the artwork should be submitted to Desotorow Gallery by 5pm, Jan. 8. A $15 submission fee allows for the submission of up to 3 pieces of work. Artists will receive notification of the list of selected pieces through email on Jan. 11.
Further information about submitting work for the exhibition “Illumination,” including a complete list of dates, submission guidelines and forms, can be found at
Any questions about Desotorow Gallery and this exhibition can be addressed by calling 912.355.8204 or emailing
The Future of Photobooks

Interested in what photo books will look like in 2019?
Miki Johnson over at RESOLVE, the liveBooks blog, and Andy Adams of Flak Photo have started an online resource that contains all the various discussions about the future of the photo book going on right now in the online photo community. The post is unique in that it is a collaboration of several different blogs to contribute on the same topic - photobooks.
Submit your work to Flak Photo

Flak Photo is a daily photography website that celebrates the art & culture of photography online. Produced by Andy Adams, the site highlights new series work, book projects and gallery exhibitions from an international community of contributors.
An online gallery and social media magazine, Flak Photo provides unique opportunities for artists and photography organizations to share their work with a community of photographers, galleries, publishers, curators and editors. To submit your work for consideration, email your photograph (sRGB JPG format, minimum 1000px wide) with title and caption details to Please include the following information with your submission:
- Title
- Place of capture, including city, state / province and country (if applicable)
- Year
- Is the image part of a series that's available online? What's the URL?
- Your website URL
Naturally, photographers retain all copyright on submitted materials. Contributors are formally credited and Flak Photo's style is to link the credit to a contributor's website.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Riverlink Photo Opportunity
Riverlink is is a regional non~profit spearheading the economic and environmental revitalization of the French Broad River and its tributaries as a place to live, work and play.
Right now Riverlink is cranking up a statewide Muddy Water Watch photo and video contest. They want folks to send in their best photos and videos of muddy water, and bad construction projects.
Riverlink wants to generate public interest in this contest. Part of their strategy is to create some creative videos and posters that will grab people's attention to participate. They are hoping to create 2-4 videos and 1-2 photographs. The photos will be used for the poster and the video distributed around the web. The ideas for videos and posters that they have so far are below:
- Children running through a sprinkler of water that turns to mud.
- A family eating at the dinner table, drinking glasses of mud
- Man throws out fishing line get stuck in a river of mud
- Kids swinging over river bank, lands in mud, can’t get out.
The project would be done on a volunteer basis and would make a great resume item for a student.
Please contact Hartwell Carson at if you are interested in helping out with this project.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
SCAD in American Photo On Campus
There are also interviews of Teng Phour, Jennifer Hathorn, and Jim Lind.
Come get a copy of the issue in the office at Bergen in Savannah!
Congratulations SCAD Photo Students!
East Tennessee State Teaching Position
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: Knowledge and experience in fine art photography including black and white and color film, view camera, analog printing, digital photography, Photoshop, inkjet, and other digital printing processes.
Minimum Qualifications: MFA in photography with teaching experience in digital and analog photography and evidence of continuing artistic accomplishment. Knowledge and experience in fine art photography including black and white and color film, view camera, analog printing, digital photography, Photoshop, inkjet, and other digital printing processes.
Preferred Qualifications: Experience teaching at the college level is preferred.
Applicants should complete a faculty profile at and upload a Cover Letter, CV, Teaching Philosophy, and an artist statement under Other Document. In addition to the online application, all applicants must submit 20 images of personal/professional work and 20 images of student work on a Mac formatted CD. Image requirements on CD: JPEG formatted images, 2000 pixels at the longest edge. Each file size should not exceed 5MB. Provide image list, with thumbnails, as a separate sheet in addition to the CD. Websites will not be viewed in first review of applications. Official transcripts will be required of finalists.
Send CD to: Mike Smith, Chair Photography Search, East Tennessee State University, Dept. of Art and Design, Box 70708, Johnson City, TN 37614-1710. AA/EOE.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
MFAs: U of Florida Teaching Job
Creative Photography-Assistant/Associate Professor Position at the Univeristy of Florida
The University of Florida School of Art and Art History, College of Fine Arts in Gainesville, Florida, invites applications for a tenure track faculty position with a specialization in Creative Photography. The starting date for the position is August 16, 2010.
Rank and salary: Assistant or Associate professor; nine-month salary commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Responsibilities: Teach undergraduate and graduate students and participate in program development; conduct research appropriate to the discipline; contribute in the area of service to the university, the community and the profession; and share responsibilities for area facilities. This position offers an opportunity to demonstrate leadership skills, work collaboratively and participate in rotating area coordinator responsibilities for the creative photography program.
Qualifications: MFA and teaching experience beyond graduate assistantship required. Accomplished artist and committed teacher. Must be conversant with history, theory and contemporary critical issues in creative photography and possess expertise in traditional dark room techniques and digital photography. Experience with video production and theory is preferred.
Application Deadline: January 4, 2010
Application Procedures: To ensure full consideration, applications must be submitted via the University of Florida’s online application system Gator Jobs at by January 4, 2010. Review of applications will begin on January 4, 2010 and will continue until the position is filled.
In addition each applicant must submit 20 digital images of professional work and 20 digital images of students’ work. Digital images should be JPEG format, a maximum of 1200 pixels one side, and accompanied by an annotated printed image list (indicate actual size, media and date) with thumbnail images. Video work excerpts should be no longer than 5 minutes and should be included on a self contained standard definition DVD playable on any commercial SD-DVD player. If you desire that your digital images and/or DVDs be returned, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Creative Photography Search
School of Art and Art History
University of Florida
PO Box 115801
Gainesville, FL 32611-5801
Entry Level Photography Studio Assistantship Position in NYC
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
National Geographic Traveler Magazine Internship
Job Description: Visit and click on job ID 3985.
Salary: unpaid
Type of Job: Internship
Job Location: District of Columbia
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Super Cool Extreme Makeover Home Edition Opportunity
Files should be screen resolution 72 dpi jpgs and approximately 10" in the longest direction. Please include your name, student ID number, telephone number(s), and work title. I will then forward submissions to Extreme Makeover Home for their consideration.
If chosen, you will be donating your work (but won't pay for framing). You will receive credit and exposure.
Blog Archive
- Call for Entries to "Blind Proxy"
- Asst. Professor, Bradley University
- Call for Entries to "Illumination"
- The Future of Photobooks
- Submit your work to Flak Photo
- Riverlink Photo Opportunity
- SCAD in American Photo On Campus
- East Tennessee State Teaching Position
- MFAs: U of Florida Teaching Job
- My Art Space Call For Online Entries
- Entry Level Photography Studio Assistantship Posit...
- National Geographic Traveler Magazine Internship
- Super Cool Extreme Makeover Home Edition Opportunity