Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Special Call to Professors and their Students (past or present)

An Exhibit of Works by Professors and their Students (past or present)

Full-color catalog produced. Each exhibitor receives one free copy.
Postmark Deadline for Entry: October 26, 2011

The relationship between art students and their professors can be a
powerful one. Even when this bond is left unstated, we carry our
professors' voices forward in time as we mature as artists and people. We
eventually realize that the instruction given by our teachers during our
relatively brief careers as students continues to expand within us. We
realize that the learning they inspired (or insisted upon) is a
chain-reaction process that develops across our lifetime. All of us who
have been students carry forward our professors' legacy in one form or
another. And those who are, or have been professors, bear witness to the
potency of studenthood.

Out of respect for this student-teacher bond, and in honor of professors
working hard to help their students tap into a higher mind relative to art
and life, we offer TAPPED 2, an exhibit that will present works of art by
current or former professor/student pairs in our Main Gallery and Drawing
Room in Cincinnati.

It is important to note that this project is open to CURRENT or PAST
student/professor pairs. The 'student' half of the pair may be a college
freshman, a retired veteran, or at any stage in between. Likewise the
professor may be currently active, or no longer teaching. The sole criteria
for the pairing is that the relationship between the two was a formal
teacher/student one at some point in time.

Submission to this exhibit may be initiated by either party. Students may
seek out a professor who has been a key instructor to them or whose work
they particularly respect and 'tap' them to participate in this project
submission. Or professors may 'tap' their current or former students to
participate. Either way, the tapping is intended as a form of honor and
invitation. The type, style, media, etc. of the works by each member may be
very different. Also note that this is not a call for collaborative works.
Each work submitted must be by a distinct individual.

Even in its second year, this is still a new type of call for Manifest to
undertake. The logistics of coordinating pairs of artists to submit
independently of each other, while maintaining an integral association, are
tricky. We welcome any inquiry for further clarification and will assist as
we are able.

We are eager to share the energy and legacy of academic pursuit with our
audience. Our society can gain from a deeper appreciation of what is done
by and between students and professors.

Deadline for entry: OCTOBER 26, 2011
For details on how to submit visit:

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