Tuesday, March 16, 2021


Alumnus Arturo Soto is working on a new project. "A Certain Logic of Expectations” (2016-2020) proposes a counter-narrative of the British city of Oxford that resists the visual imperatives imposed by the architecture of its ancient University. The series explores the longstanding division between town and gown through a careful selection of spaces and objects. The square photographs depict places that are part of the University, while the rectangular ones document the looming presence of Brexit on everyday life, the conflicted local economy, and the city’s diverse neighborhoods. Together, these two kinds of images break down the dichotomy of either denouncing the city’s social ills or celebrating its obvious architectural charms. My hope is that the work resists an easy judgment on Oxford and its established narratives of tradition, power, and influence.
Support Arturo's project via https://www.gofundme.com/f/842g39-a-certain-logic-of-expectations-oxford-photobook/?fbclid=IwAR1xtVMln33FMaFwvHScEQBfrL1zUodK4WuDLeo9H2NQVtdmCo1BtUuICHI

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