Monday, February 9, 2015

Eduardo Angel to Lecture Thursday, February 12

Thursday, February 12, 11am SCAD Museum of Art Auditorium
Eduardo Angel will discuss his interesting path to success.

"My pro­fes­sional jour­ney con­tin­ues to be every­thing but tra­di­tional. From being an archi­tect who enjoyed pho­tog­ra­phy, to becom­ing a pho­tog­ra­pher and film­maker who loves archi­tec­ture, my life is about embrac­ing the exhil­a­rat­ing unknowns of tomor­row and aban­don­ing yes­ter­day. In a world that changes faster than ever, it is not a good idea to have fixed plans, and often the road less trav­eled turns out to be the fastest way to get some­where exciting.

As much and as often as I pos­si­bly can, I play with new gear, try new apps, run tests, and share every part, step, result, and thought, along the way. Some­times things go well, and some­times not so much – but it’s always a learn­ing oppor­tu­nity worth shar­ing." Eduardo Angel

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