Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Annapolis Group Show Opportunity

This from recent MFA grad, Katie Wright:

WHAT: Group show in a commercial space in a cute/artsy part of Annapolis, MD

WHEN: Opening on Friday, October 10th

WHAT TO SUBMIT: Something GOOD (does not necessarily have to relate to the notion of being a "starving artist")! Keep in mind that there will be some deep pocketed Annapolitans in attendance. It does not have to be photography. There will even be someone doing a rather cheeky reading/performance (on being a starving artist).

HOW/WHEN TO SUBMIT: Email me up to 5 (reasonable sized!) jpgs NO LATER THAN next TUESDAY (September 16th). Please provide the title, size, medium, selling price (the gallery will be taking 10% of whatever is sold). I will email you word of the pieces I have selected, and provide you with a shipping address. I will need to receive that work no later than Friday, October 3rd.

THE DAMAGE: No more than $20-I will let you know a more exact price after I have taken a head count of the participants.

THE GRANT: There will be a small grant given to one lucky participant...details of this to follow.

Hope to hear from you all soon!
Katie Wright

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