Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Don't be Afraid to Have an Opinion!

This blog is my blog, this blog is your blog... My hope is that this blog will become a forum for discussion and sharing of opinions and information related to our department and photography more generally. I'm really pleased with the level of participation and interest thus far, but I think we can really make this our "home room." If you're already a convert, tell your friends. I want this to be our primary means for disseminating information and opportunities relevant to SCAD photography majors.

If you like to write and are interested in contributing content, send me an email at Contributions can be anonymous or credited. I know that you all have opinions, and I encourage you to share them. Additionally, I hope that this blog can provide a means for our alumni to stay in touch and connect with current students. We've already had a great response from alumni who have expressed their willingness to share their knowledge and life experiences (and the occasional internship or job opportunity).

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